How to sync a non-default or custom attribute

Created: 2012-04-20 08:09:59
Modified: 2017-06-05 15:06:02
Tags: Custom Mapping UnitySync

Your UnitySync connection syncs the most commonly used attributes by default. The exact attributes vary depending on your directory types. If you run a test sync, and the desired attributes are not populated, you may use the below instructions to customize your attributes discovered and synced to those you desire.

Whenever making changes to sourcedef and/or map files, you should always set up and run a test sync using a few test objects before applying the new changes to a full production sync.

In order to add an attribute to your sync, you need to know the LDAP attribute name of the attribute being pulled from the Source and written on the Destination. Be aware if your Source and Destination directory types are different, as the attribute name may be different in each.

  • On the Custom tab, create a custom Sourcedef (if you don’t already have one).
  • In the custom Sourcedef, find the attribs= parameter. This is the default set of attributes being read from the Source.
    • If your desired attribute is not listed, simply insert it. This will identify the new attribute you want to read from the Source directory.
    • Attributes may be inserted in any order, just be sure to maintain the comma separation of each one, with no additional spaces added.
  • Click Save to save the changes to the Sourcedef.
  • Click Save again to apply the custom Sourcedef to this connection.
  • Now, create a custom Object Map (if you don’t already have one).
  • In the custom Object Map file, look for the attribute you are trying to sync.
    • If your desired attribute is not listed, insert the appropriate mapping.
    • The proper syntax is:
      i.e., thumbnailphoto=^thumbnailphoto^
  • Click Save to save the changes to the custom Object Map.
  • Click Save again at the bottom of the Custom tab to select the custom map for this connection.
  • Run a test connection, Discovery and Sync. Confirm the results on the destination object.

Note: If your Source and Destination directory types are the same, then these attribute names will be the same. However if your Source and Destination directory types are different, the attribute names may be different.

Note: A mapping is only valid if the attribute type is the same on both sides. For example, you can not sync a source ‘octet string’ attribute value into a ‘unicode string’ attribute on the Destination.

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