Custom Mapping: Creating a Custom Sourcedef file

Created: 2012-04-20 08:09:59
Modified: 2023-07-20 10:55:06
Tags: Custom Mapping UnitySync

A custom Sourcedef file allows you to change certain aspects of how the sync will query the source LDAP directory for this connection. Sourcedef files are directory type specific; i.e., an Active Directory (AD) Sourcedef is not interchangeable with a Notes Sourcedef.

Modifications to the Sourcedef should be done carefully as a misconfigured Sourcedef may break your connection. It is recommended you contact Technical Support for assistance.

The most common uses for a Custom Sourcedef file:

1) Customize the attribs= parameter to add custom/expanded attributes (or remove attributes).

attribs= defines all attributes that will be pulled from the Source directory for this connection.

2) Customize person-objectclass parameter. This allows you to assign multiple objectclass to be included on Sync. (and to resolve Unknown Source ObjectClass warnings).

How to Create a Custom Sourcedef File

  • From the UnitySync Sync Manager User Interface (UI), select your connection, then click the Custom tab.
  • Enter a name in the Sourcedef parameter, then click Create.
  • The Sourcedef with default mappings will pop up. Make the necessary changes to the Sourcedef file. Contact if you need assistance.
  • Click Save to save your sourcedef file changes.
  • Click Save again at the bottom of the Custom tab (to save the custom sourcedef for this connection).

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not select an existing custom Sourcedef file from the drop down prior to clicking the Sourcedef button unless you are SURE you want to edit the existing custom map file.

Once customizations are complete, ALWAYS run a Discovery and SIMULATION to verify results before running a sync.

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