Unknown Source ObjectClass / Entries Ignored Objectclass

Created: 2017-03-09 11:38:56
Modified: 2024-05-15 09:30:43
Tags: Errors Troubleshooting UnitySync

Example of the error

Log snippet:

Total Records Read             | 15200  
Objects Modified               | 9722  
Join No Match                  | 3000  
Objects Added                  | 3000  
Unknown Source ObjectClass     | 1255  
Run Time                       | 3 minutes 54 seconds  

“Unknown Source ObjectClass” warning (in older versions, Entries Ignored Objectclass)

This warning means there are records in the ldif.txt file whose objectClass does not match one of the objectclasses defined in the Sourcedef. This can occur with any source directory type.

One example of how this can occur is if the Discovery pulls Users and Contacts and then you change the Source tab to Users only, after running a Discovery but before you run Sync. The Contact objects are in the ldif.txt, because you originally indicated they should be, and will thus throw the Ignore message on sync. If this sounds like what occurred, you may simply re-run Discovery and Sync and you should not see the error repeated.

The above may be configured by design. ConnectionA may be created for the purpose of discovering ALL source objects. Then ConnectionB and ConnectionC may use the original connection’s ldif.txt as it’s source. In this case, ConnectionB and ConnectionC would customize the Sourcedef’s person-objectclass parameter.

If you’d like additional assistance, please email support@dirwiz.com. Reference this knowledge base article and provide both Discovery and Sync logs generated at Log File level 3-Detailed as well as your ldif.txt file. We can then assist further.

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