How do I upgrade to the latest version of UnitySync?

Created: 2019-03-29 11:13:10
Modified: 2024-07-12 10:23:40
Tags: Licensing & Keys System Requirements UnitySync

If your UnitySync maintenance contract is current, there is no charge to upgrade to the latest version of UnitySync. If your maintenance has lapsed, please contact to request a quote to renew maintenance.

  1. Before you start your upgrade, please review the new System Requirements for UnitySync.

    NOTE: There are additional requirements for syncing o365 including the latest Powershell and EXO versions.

  2. The new version is always installed to a new directory (not over your existing install). The Upgrade Instructions will explain how to copy certain files/connections from your existing install to the new version. (No need to re configure your connections). The Upgrade process does not interfere with currently running connections.

  3. The latest version of UnitySync is always available for download from our web site. When you request a download, you should receive a 15-day temporary key to get you started. Once your upgrade is complete, a new permanent license key will be generated for you.

  4. What version of UnitySync are you currently running?

    Click here If your current version is OLDER than v3.

    Click here if your current version is v3 or NEWER.

  5. If you have questions or need further assistance, please reply back to We are happy to help.

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