Filters: Office 365 (O365) Discovery

Created: 2017-08-04 09:55:11
Modified: 2023-12-07 12:34:13
Tags: Office 365 UnitySync

NOTE: Discovery and Sync of o365 requires minimum version UnitySync v4.6

Source tab filters on an o365 Discovery use standard LDAP query syntax.

Note: Do NOT include extra spaces within your query.

This is an example of a valid query:

(&(primarysmtpaddress=* Albuquerque ))

Additionally, there are a couple things specific to O365 to remember.

Wild card character asterisk (*) may be used.
For example, this query will discover all records where ‘Company’ contains ‘Partner’:

Certain reserved characters require the use of codes when used in a query filter. For example, this query will discover all records where ‘Displayname’ contains ‘[Consultant]’:


For \ use \5c

For / use \2f

For [ use \5b

For ] use \5d

For = use \3d

For * use \2a

If you have any questions about how to craft your query for O365 Discovery, please contact our Technical Support Team.

Please see this article for more information on using group membership (memberof) as a filter.

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