Filters: Optional LDAP and o365 Source Query Filter

Created: 2019-08-01 14:40:51
Modified: 2023-12-06 10:59:14
Tags: Active Directory AD LDS ADAM Amazon Simple AD Azure Features Google (G Suite) Lotus Notes / Domino UnitySync

This information applies to an LDAP Directory Source as well as an o365 Source. (not ODBC, LDIF, CSV etc).

Custom Filters may be added to include and/or exclude objects based on certain values. Attribute filters can be placed on the object types listed below. If you are pulling multiple Source object types, it may be appropriate to specify the same filter in more than one filter parameter, or the filters may be different for each object type:

User: Filter entered here will be applied to Source objects of type User.

Contacts: Filter entered here will be applied to Source objects of type Contact.

Groups: Filter entered here will be applied to Source objects of type Group.

Public Folders: Filter entered here will be applied to Source Public Folders.

Syntax Overview

Understanding the following Operator Symbols will aid you in forming your LDAP query strings.

Operator Means Use when:
& AND All specified filters must be true for the statement to be true. For example,(&(filter)(filter)(filter))
| OR At least one specified filter must be true for the statement to be true. For example,(|(filter)(filter)(filter))
! NOT The specified statement must NOT be true for the statement to be true. Note that only one filter is affected by the NOT operator.

Keep in mind that Boolean expressions are evaluated in the following order:

  1. innermost to outermost parenthetical expressions first
  2. all expressions from left to right

Query Examples

Filter Select when:
(manager=*) The manager attribute is populated
(sn=Jones) Entries with Surname of Jones
(sn=A*) Entries when Surname begins with A
(mail=HC4) HC4 is in the SMTP address
(!(mail=* Exclude any SMTP w/ this domain
(!(st=Florida)) Exclude entries when state = Florida
(&(department=sales)(l=McLean)) Entries from sales AND in McLean

Actual attributes and objects vary by directory.

If you need assistance forming your query, please contact our Technical Support Team for assistance.

Filters Office 365 (O365)

To Discover an o365 source, you may use the standard LDAP formatted filters as described above. Here are a few additional tips specific to o365 filters.

To Discover o365 Users/contacts based on Group membership, refer to O365 Discovery - Query on Group Membership.

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