Access Denied when running Office 365 connection

Created: 2014-09-11 16:06:04
Modified: 2024-07-01 10:38:23
Tags: Errors Office 365 Troubleshooting UnitySync

Minimum UnitySync v4.6 is required in order to sync o365 tenants.

If you are not running UnitySync v4.6, please refer to Office 365 System Requirements for more information.

As this article pertains to older versions of UnitySync, the below information is obsolete.

There are two possible causes of an Access Denied message when using any version prior to v4.0:

  • UnitySync configured via IIS does not have Application Pool Identity enabled.

    If you are using Internet Information Services (IIS) to access the UnitySync User Interface (UI), and you have an Office 365 connection, you may receive an access denied error message when testing or running the connection.

    If this occurs, go to IIS > Authentication > Edit Anonymous Authentication . Select ‘Application Pool Identity’ and click OK.

  • Basic Authentication is disabled.

    In UnitySync versions 3.0 and older, and regardless of how you access the UnitySync UI, you may still receive an Access Denied error because those versions utilize powershell to connect via basic auth. If your O365 tenant has disabled basic auth, you will not be able to connect. To correct this issue, you will need to or re-enable basic auth or contact to upgrade to the latest version.

Note: As of v4.0, EXOV2 is supported.

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