Custom Mapping for CSV Export connections

Created: 2012-04-20 08:09:59
Modified: 2017-05-10 19:32:06
Tags: CSV Custom Mapping UnitySync

The default attribute mapping for a CSV Export connection includes all standard mappings for the selected map templates. You may modify, remove or add columns/values to be included in your CSV Export by creating a custom map file. The map file is used to control what attributes get written at Sync time. In the case of a CSV output, it controls what columns/values are written to the CSV file.

  1. On the Custom tab, create a new custom object map. This opens a file with default mappings, which include all standard mappings for the selected map templates. The format for a CSV Export map file is: CSVColumnName=^sourceValue^
    Assuming you have enabled ‘column headers’ on the Destination tab, the value on the left will be a column header. The value on the right will be the data that is written for each source object, often pulled directly from the Source object attribute information.

  2. If you do not want a particular column/value set (i.e. postalcode) simply delete the line, or comment it out by preceding the line with a pound sign (#). For example:
    We recommend commenting out the line versus removing it altogether, as leaving the default mapping in place can be helpful if you decide you’d like to Sync a particular attribute at a later date.
    Note: The preceding pound sign should not be confused with any embedded pound signs which denotes truncation of a value at the specified character number.

  3. Once you have made the desired changes to the custom map file, click Save. Make sure to Save again at the bottom of the tab to ensure this new custom object map is selected.

  4. Run your Sync. You should see the export.txt contains only those values that you left in the custom map file.

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