Mass deletes on UnitySync sync run - low disk space

Created: 2016-04-19 08:33:52
Modified: 2017-12-12 13:47:02
Tags: Troubleshooting UnitySync

At Sync time, low disk space is a known cause of mass deletes occurring at the end of the Sync run.

As of v2.8, we’ve added an enhancement to actively check for low disk space on the UnitySync server. We urge all clients to upgrade to v2.8 as soon as possible to utilize this enhancement.

Please note, however, that UnitySync cannot operate successfully in a low disk space condition and we urge you to follow guidelines regarding recommended disk space and put additional processes in place to actively monitor available disk space on the UnitySync server. Please see bullet points below for more information and recommendations.

Please note:

  • At this time, the only known cause of of mass deletes is low disk space on the server where UnitySync is installed.

  • This mass delete problem may occur on any version of UnitySync when disk space runs out in the middle of connection run. Both Discovery and Sync processes need to write to internal files in order to complete the connection run properly.

  • Our primary recommendation to avoid issues associated with low disk space is to upgrade to v2.8 as soon as possible.

  • We also strongly recommend put additional processes in place to actively monitor available disk space on the UnitySync server. Please see this Microsoft Technet article for information on monitoring server disk space.

  • You may also consider enabling Simulation Threshold tolerance to detect an unusual number of deletes as an additional precautinary measure.

If you are still running UnitySync versions older than v2.8, you may see some of the following problems associated with a low disk space condition.

In UnitySync v2.5 and earlier, the config.txt file may be corrupted (left blank) as a result of low disk space.

As of v2.6, config.txt is renamed config.tmp until the Discovery completes successfully. Then it is renamed back to config.txt.

Please remember UnitySync System Server Requirements indicate that the minimum Hard Disk Space needed is 500Mb for a single sync process to run successfully. We further recommend that you ensure >10Gb Hard Disk Space is available if you regularly run multiple connections (especially via automation), the number of objects you are syncing per connection, and your Log File level settings. Also note, when config.txt is blank (or missing), the connection will show not up in the UI correctly, nor will it run as config.txt typically contains the connection configuration parameters.

To identify and fix blank config.txt or config.tmp files, refer to our knowledge base article Why aren’t my connections running? Where are my connections? What is config.tmp? Why is my config.txt blank?.

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