Upgrading to UnitySync from SimpleSync v4.x or v5.x

Created: 2013-06-14 09:04:18
Modified: 2017-06-04 20:00:35
Tags: SimpleSync Troubleshooting UnitySync

If you are upgrading to UnitySync from SimpleSync v4.x or v5.x, please review the following information to ensure your connections are upgraded properly.

Install UnitySync

Perform an initial install of UnitySync per the Release Notes. Be sure to follow the directions for installation, not upgrade. Then return here to complete your upgrade.

Copy files from SimpleSync to UnitySync

Perform the following steps to transfer your connection data and custom configuration files. Copy these from the original SimpleSync installation to your new UnitySync Installation.

  • Copy the \connections directory
  • Copy the \global\map\custom directory
  • Copy the \global\sourcedef\custom directory

Dirweb or Web Server?

Review the Web Server Configuration section of the Release Notes and the technical white paper. These explain the use of Dirweb or IIS for UnitySync. For ease of upgrading, we recommend you start off with Dirweb, then you can configure your web server later.

Start the UnitySync User Interface (UI)

Either execute dirweb.exe or browse to the UnitySync config page.

Check each connection in the UI

The first time you view your connections in the UnitySync UI, you should perform the following steps on each connection:

  • On the Destination tab, you will find the Sync/Join Mode options. After upgrading from v4, you will see these are not set. To determine what Sync/Join mode you should set, initially click the ‘Both’ button. All configured options will then be shown. Based on your findings below, check the appropriate Sync/Join Mode and click Apply.
    • If you have Create parameters populated, the connection is in Create Mode.
    • If you have Join parameters populated, the connection is in Join Mode.
    • If both Create and Join parameters are populated, then this connection is configured for a Create/Join (aka Both).

Note: If you are using Join or Both, you might want to consider requesting additional review from us before proceeding with a run of that connection. There have been significant enhancements to the Join functionality that you may benefit from.

Determine if eval.pl or perl scripting is used

If you have an eval.pl or perl scripting in your custom map files, it is critical that you make certain changes before running connections in your upgraded installation. UnitySync v2.4 and newer uses javascript rather than perl, and failure to upgrade your perl-scripted mappings to javascript could result in mass modifications and incorrect attribute data.

  • To find instances of perl scripting, use findstr.
  • If you are using eval.pl or any perl scripting, contact support@dirwiz.com for assistance before proceeding with your upgrade.

Determine if you have any CSV or ODBC Source connections

If you have any connections using CSV or ODBC as a Source, it is critical that you review field definitions and custom object maps to ensure only alphanumeric characters or a dash are used. As of UnitySync v2.4 any other characters may cause mass modifications and blank attribute values.

  • To find out if you have any CSV or ODBC Source connections, use findstr to search for csv- or odbc-.
  • If you find any CSV or ODBC Source connections, please refer to this knowledge base article to update field definitions and custom map files.

Test using Discovery and Simulation before you run a Sync

On the General tab of the connection, enable Discovery and Simulation only, then click Save. After running this Simulation you may review the Sim log to confirm desirable results before running a Sync. Contact support@dirwiz.com if you need assistance.

Resolve errors

You may encounter errors on the first time Sim or Sync run. These errors include:

  • LegacyExchangeDN Not Found

  • No Such Object - x400 Template Failed to detect

The latest version of UnitySync runs smoothest if a Domain Admin is used as the Destination login. If you are not using a Domain Admin, you may receive one or both of the above messages.

There are solutions that allow you to run with a non-Domain Admin service account. These are explained in detail in the following articles.

Solutions to these issues are linked from the articles themselves.

If you have any additional questions about your upgrade from SimpleSync to UnitySync, please contact support@dirwiz.com for additional assistance.

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