Remove Struct-Search on Active Directory Discovery

Created: 2012-04-20 08:09:59
Modified: 2017-06-04 21:20:31
Tags: Troubleshooting UnitySync

What is Struct-Search?

The default Active Directory (AD) sourcedef file contains a struct-search parameter. The default struct-search query defines how the Source structure is queried; specifically which objectClasses are excluded because they are treated as non-container objects.

For example:

struct-search=(| (& (!(objectclass=organizationalperson)) (!(objectclass=user)) (!(objectclass=contact)) (!(objectclass=group)) (!(objectclass=person)) ) (objectclass=domain) )

Why would I want to comment out Struct-search?

By default, with struct-search present, Discovery purposefully looks for structure elements as it queries. Without struct-search, we send one query for all records. The real benefit of using struct-search is in the ability to apply exclusions against structure. With struct-search enabled, we are able to exclude whole sections of the directory structure efficiently (containers). Without struct-search, every exclude rule must be compared to each and every record rather than against possibly an entire container at once.

It is generally desirable to leave in the default struct-search parameter. Sometimes, however, there are instances where a query of the Source without the confines of structure definitions is desirable. Usually this parameter is only commented out based on recommendation from technical support.

How can I comment out Struct-search?

Changes to any custom sourcedef file should only be done with the assistance of Technical Support.

If you do not already have one, create a custom sourcedef file. Comment out struct-search by adding a leading pound sign (#) in front of struct-search:

#struct-search=(| (& (!(objectclass=organizationalperson))  (!(objectclass=user)) (!(objectclass=contact)) (!(objectclass=group))  (!(objectclass=person)) ) (objectclass=domain) )

Click Save to save the custom sourcedef file. Click Save again to confirm the selection of the sourcedef that you just created.

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