Notes Source connection fails to pull and Sync objects as expected

Created: 2012-04-20 08:09:59
Modified: 2017-06-05 18:35:41
Tags: Lotus Notes / Domino UnitySync

So you have configured a connection to sync from a Notes source but the Discovery process is not locating the objects you’d expect it to find.


By default, the Notes Discovery is configured to pull only the following objectClass types: users, dominoServerMailInDatabase, and groups.


f you need to Sync objects of another objectClass type, you will need to alter the default behavior. Please contact our Technical Support team for assistance in properly editing your Sourcedef to detect other objectClasses properly.


If you have objects of the types mentioned above but they are not found by your connection’s Discovery, it may be due to the availableForDirSync setting. By default, only objects with availablefordirsync=1 are synced.


If you want to over ride these default behaviors you may create a custom sourcedef file and edit the person-search, person2-search and list-search parameters to remove the availableForDirsync requirement.

The default parameters are:
person-search=(& (objectclass=person) (availablefordirsync=1) ~person-search~ ~reqattribs~)
person2-search=(& (objectclass=dominoServerMailInDatabase) (availablefordirsync=1) ~person2-search~ ~reqattribs~)
list-search=(& (objectclass=groupofnames) (availablefordirsync=1) ~list-search~ ~reqlistattribs~)

Remove (availablefordirsync=1) as shown below:

person-search=(& (objectclass=person) ~person-search~ ~reqattribs~)
person2-search=(& (objectclass=dominoServerMailInDatabase) ~person2-search~ ~reqattribs~)
list-search=(& (objectclass=groupofnames) ~list-search~ ~reqlistattribs~)

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