Using Interorg tool to sync Calendar (Free/Busy) using your Synced contacts

Created: 2012-04-20 08:09:59
Modified: 2019-03-07 15:47:30
Tags: Active Directory Exchange 20xx Outlook UnitySync

UnitySync does not sync free/busy information. In Exchange 2007 or earlier, UnitySync users commonly implemented the MS Interorg tool in order to sync free/busy for their synced contacts.

Common modifications to allow successful free/busy using interorg tool have been reported as follows:

  1. Using a custom object map, add a custom mapping to sync the source legacyExchangeDN as an X500 address on the Destination contact:

  2. Do not sync x500 addresses from the Source.

For environments post Exchange 2007, consider the Availability Service.

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