Destination Tab Configuration: ODBC

Created: 2012-04-20 08:09:59
Modified: 2019-08-15 13:19:46
Tags: ODBC UnitySync

ODBC Connection Box

System DSN - Select a DSN (Data Source Name) from the available list of DSNs. If you do not yet have a DSN for your odbc source, refer to the Configuring ODBC topic for information on how to create a System DSN.

ID - If your DSN references a password protected database, enter the necessary Login ID.

Password - Password for Login ID specified above.

Destination Table Information

Table Name - Specify the name of the database table to write to.

Index Field - Specify the name of the table’s index field.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If objects already exist in your Destination database, this index field is used to identify matching entries between Source and Destination. The Destination attribute to compare against is the one mapped to your Index field in your Custom Map file (i.e., YourIndexField=^SourceAttribute^).

Important Notes about your Destination Database

The Destination database must exist and the table you write to must also exist and have all columns defined. UnitySync does not create the database, table or columns.

Custom Mapping is required. See[our knowledge base article on how to create a custom object map file for detailed instructions. Also see Custom Mapping: ODBC Destination topic for details specific to an ODBC Destination.

It is highly recommended that this index field be configured in the Destination ODBC database as “Duplicates Allowed = No” otherwise, duplicate Source data may result in duplicate database entries. Also, the UnitySync Recovery Procedure will not process successfully unless “Duplicates Allowed = No”.

When syncing to a database via an ODBC destination, you may or may not need to specify the Destination index as a NO-Mod-Attrib (depends on your databasetype and column settings). So, begin your testing without this setting. If you receive database error on Mod attempts during testing, return here to add this setting:

To do this, edit the Raw Config from the Custom tab. Simply click the Raw Config button on the Custom tab, and add the following line:

Add Function Box

Select how you want to handle new data from the Source. If you want to update the existing ODBC database with new objects, select Process Adds. If you only want to modify existing ODBC objects, select Ignore Adds and no new objects will be added, only existing objects will be modified with any changes on the Source.

Delete Function Box

Select what you want to do when an object is deleted from the Source. If you’d like the database to remain the same despite deletions on the Source, select Ignore Deletes. If you would like objects deleted on the source to also be deleted in the ODBC database, select Process Deletes.


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  2. Mimic - Replication

  3. UnitySync - Sync
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  2. SimpleSync