o365 Discovery / Sync Access to the path is denied

Created: 2022-11-01 13:02:48
Modified: 2024-07-05 10:27:46
Tags: Office 365 Troubleshooting UnitySync

Discovery or Sync of o365 may return error trying to access temp files:

1. Errors referencing files under the UnitySync install directory:

Powershell Error | Access to the path 'C:\UnitySync-v4.1.0\bin\tmp_l5y4hrkb.2n4' is denied.

The above error occurs if file permissions on the UnitySync install directory are insufficient to allow read/write of certain files.

Fix: Refer to Access denied KB and perform step 2 to reset permissions for Everyone - Full Control on the UnitySync install directory.

2. Errors referencing files in the Powershell system path:

Access to the path 'C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\powershell.config.json' is denied.

The above error occurs if file permissions on the Powershell directory are insufficient for UnitySync to access the files.

Fix: Refer the Access denied KB and perform step 2 to reset permissions for Everyone - Full Control on the Powershell install directory.

i.e. ‘C:\Program Files\PowerShell\7\

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