Using Intvars to set connection specific variables

Created: 2020-06-17 12:33:09
Modified: 2020-06-17 12:46:11
Tags: Custom Mapping UnitySync

In each connection, on the Custom tab, there is an option, “Internal Variables”. This setting is connection specific.

This feature is helpful if you have multiple connections (using the same custom object map file) except you need a unique value mapped to an attribute depending on connection.

It might seem this feature isn’t much more useful than simply using multiple custom map files. However, its the difference between managing multiple unique map file vs a setting configured within each connection (like an other connection specific setting set via the UI).

For example, three domain connections syncing into a HUB.

  1. Training to Hub
  2. Sales to Hub
  3. Corp to Hub

Using multiple custom object map files

Without Intvars, each connection requires its own custom map file to customize the address depending on the source domain/connection:

  1. Training Map file must contain physicaldeliveryaddress=Training Office, 32 Lumber St.

  2. Sales Map file must contain physicaldeliveryaddress=Sales Office, Green Tree Ave

  3. Corp Map file must contain physicaldeliveryaddress=Corporate Office, 1 111 Fox Ave

Using intvars.txt

Using intvars, create the custom object map file in one connection. Then in all other connections select that same custom map file.

i.e. So AllOfficesToHub map file would then contain custom mapping:


In each connection, on the Custom tab, the Intvar settings would be unique. Each defines the appropriate ‘deliveryoffice’ value for that connection.

  1. deliveryoffice=Training Office, 32 Lumber St.

  2. deliveryoffice=Sales Office, Green Tree Ave

  3. deliveryoffice=Corporate Office, 1 111 Fox Ave

Note: If a connection is does not contain an intvar setting, the attribute (i.e. physicaldeliveryoffice) will simply be set blank.

You may add as many intvars attributes as you need. Then in the single custom object map file, just add a corresponding mapping.

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