Internal Map variables for LDAP-LDAP

Created: 2012-04-20 08:09:59
Modified: 2020-06-03 13:27:52
Tags: Custom Mapping

These internal map variables are used with the LDAP-LDAP program:


This dynamically generates the necessary base DN Structure for the destination object. This includes if the stuctname and/or destsubtree options are used. For example, in Active Directory the root would be dc=domain,dc=com.

~sn~ ~givenname~ ~initials~ ~personaltitle~ ~gq~

The following variables map the typical parts of a person’s name. These variables are generated in two ways:

  • The variables are automatically mapped from the original individual attributes of the source record.
  • The variables are populated when display-parse=yes (on the Display Name tab) is used.


This attribute is generated by the settings of display-firstlast and display-label as configured on the Display Name tab.


This is a generated number based on the source record’s DN


This is a generated field based on the ~givenname~ ~initials~ and ~sn~ internal attributes. They are combined and separated with periods. The periods are automatically cleaned up if one or more of the attributes are missing. ie. first.middle.last


This will be populated with the original record’s SMTP address. We recommend you use this rather than ^mail^ in the event of using the following parameters: swapproxy or subsmtpdomain which will change the value of ~mail~


This will automatically map the original record’s X400 address. We recommend you use this rather than something like ^textencodedoraddress^


This is primarily used for Exchange 5.5/2000. Ths defines a target address format typically used with custom recipients/Contacts. Typically it will follow the format below: SMTP:smtpaddress X400:x400address


This typically is the ~mail~ value unless x400=yes is set. If x400=yes, the original UID will be used.


The server name of an Exchange 5.5 mailbox is provided here.


This is typically used for Exchange 5.5/2000 syncs. Typically if the source is a Microsoft mailbox it will be set to ‘TRUE’ otherwise it’s set to ‘FALSE’.


This is used when the destination system is Lotus Notes. It is set to 5 if the e-mail address is SMTP, 4 if X400.


These variables identify components of the Source DN. If the sourceDN is: :dn: cn=KristineP,cn=Recipients,ou=Site,o=Dirwiz

The available internal variables are as follows:

    component-1: Dirwiz
    component-2: Site
    component-3: Recipients
    component0: KristineP
    component1: Recipients
    component2: Site
    component3: Dirwiz


Generates a time/datestamp value that can be used to provide when modified information for synced objects.

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