Display Name Tab

Created: 2019-07-19 12:28:14
Modified: 2021-08-05 09:30:16
Tags: UnitySync

This tab contains options for manipulating the Display Name format.

Display Name Label Box

Object field: You may opt to append a label to the Display Name of all synced objects. The label specified here will be appended to each display name. You may specify a label for one, two or all object types. They may be the same or different depending on our needs. These labels can be used as a method to distinguish names by their original Source. No leading space is necessary, one will be added automatically. This is simply a label and not a full DN.

Example: [DirWiz Contact] Result: Smith, John Q [DirWiz Contact]

Group and Folder fields: Same as above, but only applied to Groups or Folders, respectively.

Parse Display Name Box

By default, ‘Parse Display Name’ is disabled (No). When disabled, the actual Source name part attributes (sn, givenname, initials) are used to set the Destination name part attributes. When you enable Parse Display Name, UnitySync parses the incoming Source Display Name and will attempt to separate the Display Name into its component parts (sn, givenname, initials). It is these name parts, pulled from the Source Display Name, that are then used to set your Destination name part attributes (sn, givenname, initials). The Destination Display Name will be formatted based on the format you have selected in Reformat Display Name. If you have Parse Display Name enabled, the Display Name will be formatted using these name parts pulled from the Source Display Name.


This option is disabled by default. This is not a commonly used option. This option aids in parsing Source Display Names whose format is outside the scope of what the standard Parse function can comprehend. Adaptive is only available when Parse Display Name is enabled. When Parse and Adaptive are both enabled, the sync will Parse the Source Display Name as usual. Then the Adaptive feature will compare the name parts obtained by the Parse function against the incoming Source attributes (sn, givenname, initials). This allows us to be sure we have properly identified the name part values, thereby helping in the parsing of the remaining values in the display name. This option will commonly be used with the options available in Advanced Parsing (see below).

Reformat Display Name box

Display Name Format

This configuration option allows you to manipulate the display name field. It will determine how names appear in your Destination directory. Each option produces a different format.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This configuration item does not apply to Groups/Lists. Groups/Lists are always synced using the same display name as appears on the Source.

Options available in the UnitySync UI:

Option Result
Same as Source Leave as appears on Source
<first> <last> John Smith
<last>, <first> Smith, John
<last> <first> Smith John
<last>,<first> Smith,John
<First> <MI> <Last> John Q Smith
<Last>, <First> <MI> Smith, John Q
Blank field (Custom) Enter your desired format

The predefined Reformat Display Name options allow you to select from a list of commonly used formats. However, if you require something other than these options, you can use the Custom option to build the Destination displayname in a way that will meet your requirements.


The custom Displayname formatting option allows you to define the exact attributes/format you want to use to build your Destination displayname. You may use ^Source^ attributes or you may use ~internal~ attributes. You may also include hard coded spaces, commas and/or text. The syntax is similar to that used on custom mapping. Below are some examples.

Example #1: DoD AD Source standard, with Parse enabled

~sn~, ~givenname~ ~initials~ ~gq~ ~personaltitle~ ^extensionattribute4^ ^company^ ^department^

Translates to: Last, first MI GQ rank/title Nationality DoDcomponent DoDsubcomponent

Example #2: DoD Ex55 Source standard, with Parse enabled

~sn~, ~givenname~ ~initials~ ~gq~ ~personaltitle~ ^extension-attribute-4^ ^company^ ^department^

Translates to: Last, first MI GQ rank/title Nationality DoDcomponent DoDsubcomponent

Example #3: Standard with title, company, and department

^sn^, ^personaltitle^ ^givenname^ ^initials^ - ^title^ - ^company^, ^department^

Translates to: Smith, Mr. James, J - Sales Manager - Directory Wizards, Sales

Example #4: Append label before displayname

[External] ^givenname^ ^sn^

Translates to: [External] Sally Jones

Global (optional configuration)

The Global Displayname option is pre-configured to the format shown below. This is the DISA/DoD default displayname format, for pulling from an AD Source directory.

This global setting is not available in the UnitySync UI, but is configurable via the …\global\ displayname.txt file. Similar to the Custom option outlined above, the Global option allows you to configure this default format by modifying the …\global\displayname.txt file.

In the current version, this override file will be used for a connection if you manually change the Raw Config (on the Custom tab) parameter to:


Default Global format:

~sn~, ~givenname~ ~initials~ ~gq~ ~personaltitle~ ^extensionattribute4^ ^company^ ^department^

IMPORTANT NOTE: This global setting modifies ALL connections in this installation of UnitySync. If you want to adopt this displayname format for only SOME connections in your installation, use the Global format as defined above in the Custom field for each desired connection.

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