How can I make synced objects members of an existing Destination Group?

Created: 2012-04-20 08:09:59
Modified: 2019-07-08 12:58:09
Tags: Group as Group Sync Troubleshooting UnitySync

You may have the desire to have UnitySync-created Contacts automatically assigned to existing Destination Groups. Group membership is controlled by the existing Group object itself (which UnitySync can not modify). Therefore, your UnitySync connection can not be configured to add synced contacts to existing destination groups.

Query based Distribution Group

Recommended solution for Ex20xx:

On an Exchange 200x destination, the recommended method to accomplish this goal is to create a Query based Distribution Group. To add ALL synced contacts to a Query based Distribution Group, use a query to include all objects in the sync container. Alternatively, you may use an attribute based query. If necessary, you may use custom mapping to assign appropriate attribute values to be picked up by the Query based Distribution Group.

For details, please refer to Microsoft docs: Manage dynamic distribution groups

Recommendations for other directory types:

For all other email directory types there is a solution which may give you the same result: make contacts synced from source objects members of existing destination groups.

All solutions utilize Grouping of objects on the source directory. In a nut shell, you will create new groups on your source directory, add source members to these groups, then sync the group to the destination (either as a Contact or as a Group). After the first sync creates new contact/group on your destination, manually add the new contact/group to your existing destination groups as desired.

NOTE: Due to the use of Query Filters in this solution, it is recommended you create a test connection to test your results before changing your production sync. Incorrect use of Query filters can result in deletion of destination objects.

Review of possible configurations and how to apply this solution:

  1. New connection
  2. Existing connection which is not currently configured to pull source Groups
  3. Existing Connection which is already configured to pull source Groups, and uses sync As Email Address
  4. Existing connection which is already configured to pull Source Groups, and uses sync Groups as Groups

Solution for environments 1. 2. 3.

  • On your SOURCE directory, create one or more groups in a container synced by your existing connection.
  • Add your source members to these groups as desired.
  • The following configurations are required:

    • Destination tab: Use default Process Lists: As Email Addresses
    • Source tab: Select Source Object Groups to be included in your sync
    • Source tab: (Optional) If you wish to pull ALL source groups, instead of just those new groups created to facilitate this solution, then you may skip this step. If you only want to pull those groups you just created, add a Group LDAP Query Filter to pull only your new source groups. Example:
      • One Group:
        (cn=Group Name)
      • Two Groups:
        (|(cn=Group Name A)(cn=Group Name B))
      • Three Groups:
        (|(cn=Group Name A)(cn=Group Name B)(cn=Group Name C))
  • Run your sync. Your source groups will be synced to the Destination as Contacts.

  • On the Destination, identify the newly synced group Contact(s) and make them members of your existing Destination Groups as appropriate.

Solution for environment 4.

  • On your SOURCE directory, create one or more groups (in a container synced by your existing connection).
  • Add your source members to these groups as desired.
  • Run your sync. Your source Groups will be synced to the Destination as Groups.
  • On the Destination, identify the newly synced Groups and make them members of your existing Destination Groups as appropriate.

For more information, please review the basic sync Groups as Groups knowledge base article for general information on the Group as Group sync process.

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