Mailer.exe - automatically email exported files

Created: 2012-04-20 08:09:59
Modified: 2017-05-17 09:15:00
Tags: LDIF UnitySync

Mailer.exe utilizes your SMTP server to transmit a copy of an exported file to a desired recipient. You may run this command manually, or you may add this command to your usual automated UnitySync batch script.

If you would like to utilize this solution now, download a copy of mailer.exe from the Mailer product page.

Example Syntax:

mailer -h -f -t -s "Here is your LDIF" "..\connections\Connection Name\ldif.txt"

Mailer User’s Guide:

Mailer v1.0 by Directory Wizards Inc.

This program reads the message body from STDIN.

SMTP Server Options:

--host | Hostname (Default: localhost)
--port | TCP Port (Default: 25)
--user | Login ID
--pass | Login Password

SMTP Message Options:

--to | SMTP To Field
--cc | SMTP Cc Field
--bcc | SMTP Bcc Field
--from | SMTP From Field (Default: mailer@localhost)
--subject | SMTP Subject Field --file | Attach File
--mime | Override MIME type of the file

Flags (No parameters)

--ssl | SMTP SSL (Default Port 465)
--tls | SMTP StartTLS (Default Port 25)

Debug (No parameters)

--mimeinfo | Dump known mime types
--verbose | Enable Verbose SMTP Logging


type msg.txt | mailer --to "" --subject Update --file plans.pdf

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