Error downloading software - Link Expired

Created: 2012-04-20 08:09:59
Modified: 2017-05-17 15:04:07
Tags: Directify emPass Errors Troubleshooting UnitySync

When requesting software via our Download page, you will receive an email with links to download the latest version. The download link in the email may be used to download software to any server. Each link is good for 48 hours.

The error you might receive is:

Link Expired

This means the link’s 48 hour window has expired.

If you need to download to another server, or download again after the 48 hour time frame, you may return to our Download page and request a new download link.

A note about license keys: You may receive a temporary key on your initial download request. Repeated download requests may indicate abuse, so if you do not receive a temporary key or if your temporary key has expired, you may request an extension by sending an email to

If you have any questions regarding download, installation, configuration and/or evaluation of UnitySync. contact Technical Support at

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  1. Directify - Self Service

  2. Mimic - Replication

  3. UnitySync - Sync
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