Directify Form Themes

Created: 2022-08-04 11:54:38
Modified: 2022-08-04 11:54:38
Tags: Directify Features

Customizing the Theme of Directify Forms

Note: This article explains how to select a theme for the Directify User Forms. If instead you want to customize the look of the directify.cgi login page, please see the Customizing Appearance of directify.cgi

There are 25 themes available as of Directify v7.0.2.

  1. Themes are located in /directify/
  2. Themes are named as shown in /cgi/jquery-ui-themes-1.12.1/themes/

  3. The directory name represents the name of the theme. ie blitzer

  4. Open directify/data/config.txt to edit

  5. Add the parameter ‘uitheme’ and specify the desired theme.

  6. Save config.txt

    d) On directify.cgi, click F5 to refresh and login again. You will see the new theme has been applied.

  7. Login to Directify.cgi to see the new theme.

Helpful Tip:

To quickly preview the available themes, go to

  • Under Theme Roller, click the Gallery tab.
  • Each calendar represents a theme.
  • Click each one in turn.
  • To the left, you will see the page change to represent an example of each theme.
  • Toggle through by clicking each example.
  • The name of the theme is below the calendar image.

Note: You may also create a new theme and download to the /themes directory

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