First Time UnitySync User: Linux

Created: 2019-08-19 12:48:34
Modified: 2023-12-06 10:03:15
Tags: Linux UnitySync UnitySync Release Notes Install Guide

Installing UnitySync for Linux for the first time is quick and straightforward.

  1. Download the latest software at
  2. Extract the file via Terminal and execute the install program. Follow the prompts for installation:
    • In a Terminal window, cd into the folder where you downloaded the install .run file. The default directory is your Download folder and will read UnitySync-v# (“#” refers to the current version number), but you may install to any location by moving the installer files prior to installation or identifying a new location during installation, provided the underlying directory structure names remain as installed.
    • Make the .run install file executable by running: chmod a+x
    • Run the file.
    • You will have to hit Enter to scroll through and accept the full license agreement. To accept, when prompted, type yes and Enter.
    • Accept install path by pressing Enter or specify new install path.
  3. Refer to Web Server Configuration for detailed instruction on acessing the UnitySync User Interface (UI) via browser.
  4. Once the web server configuration is complete and you are able to access the UnitySync User Interface, apply your temporary license key on the Launch Page and click Save.
  5. Now you are ready to pick up our complete Administrator’s Guide or reference individual articles in our knowledge base to continue with the configuration of your new installation. Please contact our Technical Support Team if you would like assistance configuring UnitySync for the unique needs of your environment.
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