Destination Tab Configuration: Google Workspace (formerly G Suite)

Created: 2019-08-16 11:42:15
Modified: 2022-03-29 16:47:02
Tags: Google (G Suite) UnitySync

As of v3.0, UnitySync can write Contacts to Google Workspace. The following information will help you configure your Destination Tab for use to Synchronize objects to Google Workspace.

Google Workspace Connection Information box

Google Workspace Domain: Enter your Google Workspace domain here, then click Authorize App to obtain your Access Token and Refresh Token. You must authorize UnitySync to access your Google Workspace Domain in order to write objects.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you receive an error 400: invalid_request when attempting to Authorize App, please ensure you are using dirweb.exe rather than IIS to access your UnitySync UI.

Object Creation box

Deletes: You have the choice to Process or Ignore Deletes. Process Deletes means that UnitySync will delete objects on the Destination if they fall out of the scope of the Source Discovery, either because they’ve been deleted, met a filter condition, or moved from the specific Source Context. Ignore Deletes will leave those objects that fall out of the scope of the Source Discovery active on the Google Workspace Destination.

IMPORTANT NOTE: *Contact objects on a Google Workspace Destination exist in a flat file - there is no structure. Before Syncing to a Google Workspace Destination, you may want to configure a Discovery first, to ascertain if any contact objects already exist. It is also important to note that while UnitySync can detect orphans on a Google Workspace Destination, it will read ALL orphans, and not only those objects originally put there by UnitySync. So, knowing what objects may exist before populating a Google Workspace Destination may be helpful in the long term.

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