Trim DN

Created: 2019-07-23 12:07:53
Modified: 2019-08-15 16:36:01
Tags: Features UnitySync

Trim DN attribute is found on the Destination tab and is generally used in conjunction with levels greater than zero.

Positive Trim DN Values

Positive Trim will remove DN components from the left, omitting the component from the Destination structure when the new object is created. This feature may also be used to add components that might not otherwise be included in the default structure replication. Only Source domain components included in the ‘Source Context’ may be trimmed using this feature.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The actual components available for trimming as well as the actual Trim results will vary depending on your environment and connection configuration. The best way determine if Trim DN is useful in your connection is to run Discovery and Simulation. Then review the log file to review the container structure of each object as it is added.

Any number of level trimming is supported, 1, 2, 3, etc. Any level above the number of Source Context structures will be ignored as Source container structure is never trimmed.

Positive Trim DN Examples

The following examples assume the following:

  • Source IP is a domain controller (but not a global catalog). If the Source IP points to a domain controller, then Source Context may be simply dc=com and therefore only dc=com is available for trimming.

  • Source DN: In format of cn=user,ou=sub2,ou=sub1,ou=contacts,dc=domainA,dc=com

  • Struct Name: Your sync container/ou name; example SyncContainer

  • Source Context: In format of dc=domainA,dc=com

  • Selection DN is not specified.

  • Levels: All


In this example, only 2 levels are available for trimming. So any higher trim will simply return the same results as Trim=2.

Trim DN=0

Destination DN: cn=user,ou=sub2,ou=sub1,ou=contacts,ou=domainA,ou=com,ou=SyncContainer,dc=DestDomain,dc=com

Trim DN = 1

Destination DN: cn=user,ou=sub2,ou=sub1,ou=contacts,ou=domainA,ou=SyncContainer,dc=DestDomain,dc=com

Trim DN = 2 (default / blank) Destination DN: cn=user,ou=sub2,ou=sub1,ou=contacts,ou=SyncContainer,dc=DestDomain,dc=com

Trim DN = 3 and up Destination DN: cn=user,ou=sub2,ou=sub1,ou=contacts,ou=SyncContainer,dc=DestDomain,dc=com

Negative Trim DN values

Negative Trim values may be used when a container or domain is specified in the Source Tab’s Selection DN parameter. Negative Trim values always add DN components that are not part of the replicated structure by default.

Like Positive Trim, Negative Trim function only Adds structure based on the Source Context specified. In this case, the Source Context is equal to the Selection DN.

Negative Trim DN Examples

The following examples assume the following:

  • Source DN: In format of cn=user,ou=sub2,ou=sub1,ou=contacts,dc=domainA,dc=com

  • Struct Name: Your sync container/ou name; example SyncContainer

  • Source Context: In format of dc=domainA,dc=com

  • Selection DN is ou=sub1,ou=contacts,dc=domainA,dc=com

  • Levels: All

In this case we are pointing directly to ou=sub1 using Selection DN. Normally, this level and any above it would not be replicated to the Destination. Negative Trim allows you to opt for these levels to be added back in from left to right.

Trim DN = blank (default) Destination DN: cn=user,ou=sub2,ou=SyncContainer,dc=DestDomain,dc=com

Trim DN = -1 Destination DN: cn=user,ou=sub2,ou=sub1,ou=SyncContainer,dc=DestDomain,dc=com

Trim DN = -2 Destination DN: cn=user,ou=sub2,ou=sub1,ou=contacts,ou=SyncContainer,dc=DestDomain,dc=com

Trim DN = -3 Destination DN: cn=user,ou=sub2,ou=sub1,ou=contacts,ou=domainA,ou=SyncContainer,dc=DestDomain,dc= com

If you have any questions regarding Trim DN and its uses. please contact Technical Support.

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