Display Name Tab: Advanced Parsing of Custom Source Display Names

Created: 2019-07-19 12:30:58
Modified: 2019-08-16 15:30:58
Tags: Features UnitySync

In some cases, the incoming Source Display Name is customized as to include data other than First, Last, MI. This additional data may include custom titles, organizational groups, or special company specific codes to identify subsets of users. When using Parse Display Name and Custom Mapping, you can configure special custom files that will allow you to extract this display name data into internal variables. These files exist in the \global directory:

  • custom.txt
  • junk.txt
  • title.txt
  • GQ.txt

You will find default versions of these files already exist. These files are applied globally, to all connections when Parse Display Name is enabled.

Advanced Parsing Details

When Parse Display Name is set to Yes, the incoming displayname is parsed to obtain individual name parts including First, Last, Middle Initial, Personal Title, and Generational Qualifier. These are set to internal variables ~givenname~, ~sn~, ~initials~, ~personaltitle~ and ~gq~.

Sometimes, your incoming Source displaynames have been customized to meet company standards and may include other components you wish to parse out at sync time. There are a few configuration files that may be modified to help achieve the appropriate displayname parsing for your unique environment.

IMPORTANT NOTE: These options apply to any displayname setting other than ‘Same As Source’. If ‘Same As Source’ is selected, none of these Advanced Parsing configurations will take effect.


The default title.txt file contains a list of the most common titles ( i.e. Mrs, Mr, Ms) as well as many of the most common military titles. You may add additional titles as necessary. At sync time, any value found in the incoming displayname that matches a defined Title will be saved in the variable ~personaltitle~. Multiple titles will be appended if necessary.


The default file is basically empty. You may add any additional values as necessary. This file may be used to capture custom displayname notations. At sync time, any value found in the incoming displayname that matches a defined Custom value will be saved in the variable ~custom~. Multiple values will be appended if necessary.


Sometimes, the presence of custom notations not included in Title.txt or Custom.txt can confuse Display Name Parsing. If your Source Display Name includes custom values that are not added to Title.txt or Custom.txt they may need to be added to Junk.txt. When using Display Name Parsing, values in Junk.txt are extracted and thrown away, not saved to a variable and not included in the Destination Display Name format (when using anything other than Same As Source).


The default GQ.txt file contains a list of the most common Generational Qualifiers (i.e. Jr Sr III Esq etc). You may add additional GQ values as necessary. At sync time, any value found in the incoming displayname that matches a defined GQ will be saved in the variable ~GQ~. Multiple GQs will be appended if necessary.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Any value in the Source Display Name that isn’t part of recognized Name Parts, or included in the Advanced Parsing files (Title.txt, Custom.txt, Junk.txt) will be appended into an internal variable ~leftover~.

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