Source Tab Configuration: CSV

Created: 2019-07-16 14:18:28
Modified: 2021-02-22 15:52:08
Tags: CSV UnitySync

Using a .csv Source file is the last option we recommend, but we understand that sometimes it is the only option.

If you would like assistance exploring other options for your connection, please contact our Technical Support Team and we will be happy to provide recommendations for your particular needs.

That being said, it is fairly straight-forward process.

Create a new connection. On the Connection Creation pop-up, select the Source Sync Engine of CSV and Source Map Template of CSV.

Add your .csv file to the connection directory \ and rename it import.txt. Example: …\UnitySync-v1.x\connections\YourConnectionName\import.txt

CSV Parsing Box

Enable Column Headers: Check this option if your Source data file contains a header row. If headers are present, you will use these headers in the Field Definitions and your Custom Map File. (See Important Note under Field Definition below.) If no column headers are present, you will use default headers in the Field Definitions and Custom Map File (i.e. field0, field1, field2, etc).

Field Separator: Select the field separator used in your Source file. Supported separators are comma, tab, pipe, semicolon, colon, space.

Field Delimiter: Select the field delimiter used in your Source file. Supported delimiters are double quote, single quote, both.

Multi-Value: If any of your Source columns contain Multi-Valued data, each value will be separated by a special character. If you enter that separator character in the Multi-Value parameter, UnitySync will parse out each value so they may be assigned to the Destination attribute individually.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Destination attribute mapped must be a ‘multi-valued attribute type.

Source Data Box

The Source Data section displays all columns, and the first few lines of data. The data file is read and the columns displayed are based on the CSV Parsing options selected.

Field Definition Box

IMPORTANT NOTE: When a column header contains a space character, the space is converted to a dash character for the purpose of attribute definition and mapping. If the Source header is “Last Name” or ?Last_Name? you must reference this column by specifying “Last-Name”, as spaces and underscores are converted to dashes in the ldif.txt file. In fact, the allowed character set on discovery of column header values are now limited to only a-z A-Z 0-9 and ‘-’ (dash).

In a Source CSV/ODBC column header, any characters outside of this set are converted to ‘-’ (dash). This applies to field definitions on the Source Tab, as well as mappings in your Custom Object Map or Custom List Map file.

Index field: The records in the dataset being used as the Source must contain a field that holds unique information necessary to produce a unique index in the Destination. Typically this is the SMTP address or a User ID.

SMTP Address field: Identify the Source attribute that contains a single SMTP email address. If your custom CSV map file uses the email address in the Destination dn, then the SMTP Address attribute must be populated for all Source records.

Group Membership field: Specify the column that contains the Group Membership information. This should only be specified if syncing Groups as Groups. The data specified in this column of your Source data will be used to 1) create the new Group(s) based on the value(s) in the column and 2) add members to the new group.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Since the sync is creating these groups dynamically, the new group will NOT contain an email address.

Display Name, Personal Title, First, Middle, Last, GQ fields

There are several ways to define a display name, individual name parts, and personal title in the Destination directory from your Source CSV data.

  1. If you have a single displayname field in your database that contains first, last, MI, etc., then that field can be specified in the Display Name parameter. Likewise, if you you have individual fields for the individual name parts (First, Last, Middle etc) then each field name can be entered in the appropriate parameter to identify each field containing that data. (If your Source data does not include one of the name parts (i.e. Title, GQ) then leave it blank.)

  2. If you have a DisplayName, but no individual name parts, you can specify the display name in the Display Name parameter, and set the Parse option to Yes under the Display Name tab. Parsing the DisplayName will generate individual values for First, Last and Middle. The logic the Parse Display Name approach is: Parse the Display Name into its parts and populate the appropriate attributes. Then, format the Display Name as defined on the Display Name Options screen (First, Last, Same as Source, etc.)

  3. If you do not have a single field containing a DisplayName but you do have individual fields containing each name part you can enter each name part in the appropriate parameter. (If your Source data does not include one of the name parts (i.e. Title, GQ) then leave it blank.) On the Display Name format tab, set the Parse Option to NO and select select a Display Name Format that uses the individual fields.

Custom Mapping for a CSV Source

Each CSV Source file is unique and therefore Default Mapping is of limited use.

Refer to Custom Mapping: CSV Source for detailed information.

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