How do I delete a bad Exchange 5.5 container?

Created: 2012-04-20 08:09:59
Modified: 2017-05-01 11:14:09
Tags: UnitySync

UnitySync connects to Exchange 5.5 using LDAP which is directly connected to the directory service. Sometimes UnitySync will write an object which the Exchange Administrator program has a problem with, such as a bad character or a missing attribute required by Administrator but not required by LDAP. UnitySync is designed to provide saveguards against such problems but when custom field mapping are used, problems can occur. Usually a bad custom recipient gets written and the unsync-ldap program will not work.

To remove the bad container use the following steps:

#Run the Exchange Administrator program in RAW mode.  Note: Be very carefull when running in raw mode and make sure you have an adequate backup.
#Select the container you would like to delete.
#From the pulldown menu, select:
#Edit/Delete Raw Object
#Press OK to confirm and Yes to proceed.
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