Creating Linked Mailboxes in Exchange 20xx

Created: 2012-04-20 08:09:59
Modified: 2017-05-17 20:27:51
Tags: Exchange 20xx UnitySync

UnitySync v1.5.2 and later supports the creation of linked mailboxes in Exchange 20xx. This solution was developed for the Application Service Provider (ASP) who will host their clients' Exchange server but are not allowed to join their forest. As a result, the ASP must use their own forest and establish a one-way trust with the client.

Without UnitySync creation of accounts, linking to the forest and synchronization is a manual and tedious undertaking. UnitySync includes the ability to provide for account creation, privilege assignments, maintenance, and directory synchronization to a separate forest via a trust relationship.

Implementing Linked Mailbox solution:

  1. In your Exchange environment, you must implement Resource Forest for Exchange, with trusts.
  2. UnitySync must be installed in on the Exchange server.
  3. Using UnitySync, create a connection to your Ex20xx directory selecting a Destination Map Template of ActiveDir-User (Disabled).
  4. On the Exchange server, from PowerShell, execute:
    Ex2010: Make note of the value specified as Name. (i.e. database01)
    Ex2007 : Make note of the values specified as Name, Server, StorageGroup (i.e., EXServer01\Storage01\Database01)
  5. Select your Connection, go to the Custom tab and click Raw Config.
  6. Add the parameter mailbox-link= using the above identified values. For example
    Ex2010: mailbox-link=database01
    Ex2007: mailbox-link= EXServer01\Storage01\Database01
  7. Click Save.
  8. On the Source tab, the IP specified must use the form of the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the source domain controller i.e.,
  9. Complete the remaining Source/Destination tab information as usual.
  10. Recommend testing against a single test object. Execute Discovery and Sync. This will create the disabled User account on the Destination domain. It is not yet linked.
  11. Locate the following file (which is created at sync time):
  12. Execute this batch file. The result, is that the previously synced user account will be linked.
  13. To automate the connection run and the Mailbox-link.bat script, create a batch file to run your shell.exe as well as the .bat. Then set to run via a Scheduled Task.

For more help implementing this solution, please contact our technical support representatives.

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