Directify Web Server Configuration

Created: 2021-12-03 12:04:10
Modified: 2023-02-02 12:50:54
Tags: Directify Directify Admin Guide

You will ultimately need to configure a web server to work with Directify so that end users are able to access the Directify End User View (directify.cgi). More information on doing so, as well as using our Dirweb micro web server utility for a quick start to configuration, follows.


Directify is web-based, so you will ultimately need a web server/browser to use Directify. For a quick start, however, while you are beginning configuration, you can opt to use dirweb, a licensed micro web server utility included for your convenience.

Dirweb for Windows

After installation of Directify: * Navigate to the folder where Directify is installed. * Locate the bin folder and double click. * Once inside the folder, double-click dirweb.exe

IMPORTANT NOTE: While you can use dirweb for a quick start to begin configuration of the Directify Configuration View (config.cgi), you will need to configure a web server for full functionality.

Once dirweb is executed you will see a message that reads:

DirWeb by Directory Wizards, Inc.
HTTP Server listening on, tcp port 8080 
Press Return to close this server.

Leave your terminal window open. Your browser should automatically open to localhost:8080/directify.cgi to access the Directify End User View. If it does not, please manually open your browser and go to that location yourself.

To get to the Directify Configuration View (config.cgi) please go to localhost:8080/config.cgi.

You will ultimately need to configure a web server to work with Directify such as IIS. More information below.

Dirweb for Linux

From terminal, cd into the //bin directory to execute dirweb. Once in the //bin directory, execute:


Once executed, you will see a message that reads:

DirWeb by Directory Wizards, Inc.
HTTP Server listening on, tcp port 8080 
Press Return to close this server.

Leave your terminal window open. Your browser should automatically open to localhost:8080/directify.cgi to access the Directify End User View. If it does not, please manually open your browser and go to that location yourself.

To get to the Directify Configuration View (config.cgi) please go to localhost:8080/config.cgi.

You will ultimately need to configure a web server to work with Directify such as Apache or NginX. Directions for these web servers are forthcoming. If you need assistance, please contact

Internet Information Services (IIS)

IIS configuration is similar for all Directory Wizards products. Please see configuration instructions for IIS 8.5 and 10 in our Web Server Configuration document.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We strongly recommend that you use SSL security on your web server. Please refer to your web server documentation for detailed information on configuring the SSL options.

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