Directify Upgrade Instructions: from Profiler v5 or older

Created: 2021-12-03 11:12:13
Modified: 2024-05-15 12:15:30
Tags: Directify Directify Admin Guide Profiler

Directify v6 was completely rewritten from scratch! This more stable platform allowed us to expand support for more directory types in addition to the original Active Direcctory, and will enable new features and functionality into the future.

Therefore, if you are running any version previous to v6.0, you will need to install Drectify v7.0 to a new directory and configure it anew. In fact, we strongly recommend a fresh installation with each upgrade to ensure you get the benefit of all fixed and enhancements.

  1. Back up your current installation by zipping the entire install directory.
  2. Download the latest software here:
  3. Execute the Directify install program and follow prompts for installation.
    • The default installation directory is c:\directify-v# (where # refers to the current version number)
    • You may install to any directory name provided the underlying directory structure names remain as installed.
    • Please DO NOT install directly over any previous version of Profiler or Directify. A fresh installation is required.
    • Please DO NOT move any configuration files from version of Profiler older than v5. You will need to configure Directify from scratch. Please refer to your previous installation for guidance but be aware that the interface has changed quite a bit.
  4. You will need:
    • a new license key. Contact and include your Serial numbers (both old and new) as well as the hostname used for your previous installation. We don’t need a hostname for this new version. *to update your Web Server Configuration. You will need to configure a new virtual directory. Refresh your memory by reviewing our Web Server Configuration white paper.
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