Move or Reinstall Directify

Created: 2021-12-01 13:56:56
Modified: 2023-02-02 12:48:19
Tags: Directify Directify Admin Guide

Licensing rules apply when reinstalling or moving Directify to another server. Each Directify installation is licensed to run on a specific server identified by the Serial Number. You will receive a temp key for use during the install/move of your Directify software. When complete, you need to request a new permanent license key (see below).

Step 1. There are two methods for moving Directify to a new server:

a) Recommended:
ZIP the entire Directify install directory on the original server. Copy to the new server and UNzip.


b) Run the Directify installation program on the new server. Next, copy the following folder and files to move the configuration data files to the new server:

  • \directify\data\forms
  • \directify\data\*.txt
    (excluding key.txt as you will need to request a new key)

Step 2. Configure an IIS virtual directory for Directify as outlined in the Web Server Configuration document .

Step 3. Request a new Directify license key
Open Directify (config.cgi). Find the Serial Number on the About tab. Email the Serial Number to In the mean time, you can insert the Temp key string into the Above tab and click Save. When you receive the new permanent key, insert the permanent key in place of the temp key.

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