Configure UnitySync

Created: 2019-07-12 15:59:11
Modified: 2019-08-15 12:20:15
Tags: US Admin Guide

General Tab

Configure batch run actions, set logging levels, unsync, forcemods, configure LDIF threshold and optional LDIF Source file location.

Source Tab

Configure Source specific options. The configuration options of this tab will differ depending on the Map Template and Sync Engine.

Destination Tab

Configure Destination specific options. The configuration options of this tab will differ depending on the Map Template and Sync Engine.

Display Name Tab

Define the Display Name Format of synced objects.

SMTP Address Tab

Options to manipulate the SMTP address of synced objects.

Custom Tab

Custom configuration files may be defined for each individual connection. Object (attribute) Mapping, List (attribute) Mapping, Source Definition, Destination Structure, Lookup Tables, Exclusions, Raw Configuration, and more.

Email Notify

Email notification of connection run results may be configured globally or per connection.

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