Check Agent status in emPass

Created: 2018-11-12 15:20:47
Modified: 2023-03-01 16:43:16
Tags: emPass Features Troubleshooting

What if you have completed the Agent install but forgot to note the Agent Serial number? What if you’re worried that you neglected to check the box so the public key wasn?t installed? You can always check the status of your Agent.

  1. Start in a terminal window.
  2. CD to the Agent install directory and execute:
    c:\emPass-agent-v2\agent-install --status

The result will show you both pieces of information

emPass v1.2.19 by Directory Wizards Inc. (

Install path: C:\empass-agent-ad-v1.2.19
Password Filter: c:\empass-agent-ad-v1.2.19\empass (1.2.19)

Public Key: Installed
Serial Number: activedir-bpqf36

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